
Hopefully, back on the grind

Miss me?

Work and family responsibilities (hi Bean!) have kept me away from the blog for a while. I’m going to try to come back and post something every day, even if it is a sentence or two.

What spurned this return? My high school had their 20th anniversary last week. While I couldn’t go, I did get to see a number of posts from classmates, some of which had blogs. Reading them reminded me how much I enjoyed writing, even if it is just for myself.

Hopefully I do better than my plan to exercise regularly. I actually brought a gym bag to work Thursday with hopes of working out there (we have a small gym with free weights and an ellipse machine to protect my balky knee from treadmill pounding). I went down to the gym around 4:30p, changed into my workout clothes, only to discover there were no sneakers in the bag. I’m smart.

So, here we go again. Blackpot 2.0.

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